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منتديات ســـــ ستارــــوبر

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 Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 134
العمر : 31
المزاج : سعيد
البلد : Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Eg10
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2008

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album   Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Emptyالإثنين 5 مايو 2008 - 16:20

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Gadrum53o8gstiutnz

1. Qwertyuiop 4:16
2. Love & Paragraphs 3:51
3. As Luck Would Have It 3:58
4. Have Your Cake And Eat It 4:03
5. Liquid Soul 6:07
6. Ooh Bop 5:35
7. C.S. In The Sunshine 4:11
8. That's What I Thought You Said 4:21
9. Qu'est 4:36
10. Reflection 4:16

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 2ljkco6

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 2mr6ycl Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 2mr6ycl Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 2mr6ycl
Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 29725177 Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 29725177
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Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Ldwfkfojy5dwgmmtvui

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Euadnsm3bedh8ze0sg2b

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 6k79bq9cbqb63fwon55z

Enj Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album Grindance Y


Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 2wh45km

Shayne Ward

Girl you are
Close to me, like my mother
Close to me, like my father
Close to me, like my sister
Close to me, like my brother

You are the only one, my everything
And for you this song I sing, and

All my life
I prayed for someone like you, baby
And I thank God that I
That I finally found you

Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album 24wr6a9

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Chris Standring - Love and Paragraphs {2008} Full Album
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